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Laying has resumed for several weeks already, fertility tests have very good results on Leghorn, Marans, Olive egger, Padua (as well as Pekin and Sabelpoot in dwarf) with all more than 85% minimum success.

Orpingtons, a somewhat more complicated breed, are at 72%

Eggs are already available.

Tests on Araucanas are in progress because they are not conclusive enough at the moment

(only barely 40%).

fertilized white leghorn eggs

= available

orpington fertilized eggs

= not available


White Leghorn


Purebred park composed of a white Leghorn rooster (not show quality because he has too many cracklings) and 2 white Leghorn hens (including 1 with 2 small black spots).

They share their life with layers.

fertilized eggs purebred hen

Black Marans with coppery hackle

🥚 chocolate

Purebred park, corresponds to the standards, composed of a Maran ncc rooster and 4 hens. They share their life with 2 olive Egger hens.

fertilized eggs coppery hackle marans

Olive egger f2 +

🥚dark khaki

Olive Eggers are not a breed but a cross between a breed with blue eggs and a breed with brown eggs.

The eggs are dark khaki.We have 2 olive f2 hens, they are black, trace of copper, one has a beard, they are checked by our Marans ncc rooster.

fertilized eggs olive egger

Golden Orpington with blue edging


Purebred park, corresponding to the standards, composed of a rooster and 3 hens. It is a fairly rare color, difficult to work with which sometimes can reveal surprises during reproduction in terms of color.

fertile orpington eggs



Purebred pen, corresponding to the standards but in a mix of colors, composed of a golden salmon blue rooster without toupee + 1 wheat hen without toupee + 1 wild hen without toupee and 1 golden hen with black edging with toupees

padua fertilized eggs

Padua buff


This is a large breed Padua. Purebred park, corresponding to standards, consisting of a rooster and 3 hens.

fertilized eggs purebred hen


- 2€/🥚for pure breeds, mixing possible
- Layers (red, sussex and ash checked by our leghorn rooster): 1€50/🥚

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uniquement par message, pas d'appel possible, merci

07 75 70 01 80


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